SHQ Review July 2020 - Sexual Health Quarters Quick exit
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SHQ Review July 2020

visit our new website!

Check out our brand new website!

We are excited to announce our new website is now live. To check it out, and find out about our journey in creating our new website, follow the link. We’d love to hear what you think!

Visit our new website

Share meeting esafety

eSafety and young people meeting

Our next SHARE meeting (for people who work with young people around sexual health) on 25 August will feature a special presentation from the Office of the eSafety Commissioner. Don’t miss this great event! For more information and to register follow the link below.

Check out SHARE

community news

New videos from Department of Health WA

The Department of Health and Ord Valley Aboriginal Health Service have developed a video on contact tracing for health professionals working in regional and remote WA. To check out the video click below.

The Department have also published a hepatitis B educational video to promote awareness among Aboriginal people in WA. The video provides important information about hepatitis B transmission, vaccination, testing and treatment. Check out the video below.

Do you want to work with Aboriginal people and sexual health?

 The Aboriginal Health Council of WA currently have a range of vacancies for people to join their Sexual Health and Blood-borne Viruses team! Check out the vacancies below:

Sexual Health and Blood Borne Viruses Program Coordinator

Sexual Health and Blood Borne Viruses Officer – Youth

HEP C Project Officer

Dating in Australia: stories from international students

Dating in Australia is a new video series created by Family Planning Victoria to support international students with information on reproductive and sexual health.To check out the series follow the link.

Read the stories

Always was, always will be. 8-15 Nov 2020

NAIDOC Week 2020 dates and poster released

This year National NAIDOC Week celebrations will be held from the 8-15 November 2020. Congratulations to Perth-based artist Tyrown Waigana for winning this year’s poster competition! To download the poster and to find out more information about NAIDOC Week, follow the link.


Hiv & aids + sexual health 2020 virtual forum

Australasian HIV&AIDS and Sexual Health Conferences 16 – 20 November 2020

ASHM have announced this year’s HIV&AIDS and Sexual Health Conference is going online!  Abstract submissions for the conferences are open until 16 August. For more information about the conference, head to the website.

Further info

Online LGBT+ First nations youth group

Online LGBT+ first nations youth group

Strong Brothers Strong Sisters are running online workshops and social groups for LGBT+ identifying Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander young people (13-25). Groups will meet every Wednesday from the 8 July to 16 September, between 4-6 pm, on Zoom. For more information and to register, follow the link.

Youth group

research opportunities and updates

I share. International sexual health and reproductive health survey in the time of covid-19


The I-SHARE (International Sexual Health and REproductive Health) Survey aims to investigate how different isolation measures implemented across the world during COVID have affected family structures, relationships, and access to sexual and reproductive health services. For more information on the study follow the link.

COVID survey

Genital appearance video study

Are you the parent/guardian of a 13-15 year-old girl living in Australia? Researchers at Monash University are keen to involve your daughter/young person in a short online survey investigating her thoughts about genital appearance by watching a short 1-2 minute video. For more information or to participate, follow the link.

More information

Abortion referral study

Researchers at Curtin University are investigating people’s experience of being denied a referral to have an abortion, to better understand the reasons and consequences. To find out more information about the study or to participate in the research, get in contact with Meagan.

Send an email

Genital herpes and stigma

Are you living with genital herpes and want to share your experience around herpes and stigma? For more information about this Curtin University study, or to participate in the survey, follow the link.

Participate in the survey

upcoming training opportunities medical training

Certificate in Sexual and Reproductive Health (Nursing)

Are you a nurse looking to upskill in the field of sexual and reproductive health? Participants will explore the physiological, psychosocial and environmental aspects of sexual and reproductive health using current research findings, clinical guidelines and knowledge and experience of experts in the field. For more information and to register follow the link.

Register here

STIs in primary care module

STIs In WA Primary Care – new online module

This course is intended to provide primary health care professionals with comprehensive education about discussing STIs with patients, STI testing and STI management.  For more information on the module and to register follow this link below.

Register here

youth and community workers


Mooditj Leader Training

Mooditj Leader Training is a four-day course that builds the knowledge, skills and confidence to run Mooditj groups for young people. The training is interactive and fun. It is designed for Aboriginal community members or anyone who works with Aboriginal young people in their community. For more information and to find out how to register, follow the link.

More information

nuts and bolts

Do you work with young people? Don’t miss this opportunity.

Youth workers and nurses are two of the most trusted sources of sexual health for young people.

Do you feel prepared to have conversations with your young people about sexual health and relationships? Nuts & Bolts is an interactive course which provides you with the key information and skills to support young people around sexual health and relationships.

Discounts available for WA Youth Workers! For more information and to register today follow the link below.

More information

upcoming key dates

lets talk hep

World Hepatitis Day – 28 July 2020

“Let’s Talk Hep’ is the theme for the 2020 Australian World Hepatitis Day campaign, which seeks to engage the public and promote much-needed dialogue about hepatitis.

Visit the website

Send in your submissions for future SHQ Newsletters!

Got something you want to see in the next SHQ Newsletter? To submit something for consideration, just email us.You can head to our Newsletter page to check out the distribution schedule and cut-off dates for submissions for upcoming newsletters.

Check out our social media pages for daily updates