FPAA MAC Clinical Reference Group Statements - Sexual Health Quarters Quick exit
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FPAA MAC Clinical Reference Group Statements

Statements from the Clinical Reference Group of the Medical Advisory Committee of Family Planning Alliance Australia

The Medical Advisory Committee (MAC) of Family Planning Alliance Australia (FPAA) has published a set of clinical statements addressing various topics in contraception, intended for healthcare practitioners. If you are not a clinician, you may find patient information by viewing our Brochures & Information Sheets page.

The FPAA MAC comprises of senior medical educators, senior medical officers, and medical directors of member family planning organizations. They evaluate current clinical practices and offer evidence-based recommendations supported by consensus, aimed at guiding healthcare practitioners.

These statements cover emerging and recent issues in contraception, providing direction in areas where gaps in evidence exist.


Etonogestrel implants (Implanon NXT®):

Combined Hormonal Contraception

Progestogen Only Oral Contraception

Emergency Contraception

Drug interactions with hormonal contraceptives

General contraception issues



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