Want to learn how to speak with young people about sexual health?
SHQ can support staff and provide training so they are equipped with the relevant sexual health knowledge and feel empowered to have these conversations. SHQ training and support options include:
- Short workshops for staff to raise awareness of sexual health issues
- Scheduled training courses, such as the Nuts and Bolts of Sexual Health and Mooditj Leader Training, at our Northbridge premises or regionally
- Training tailored for your staff and organisational needs, including modified or shorter versions of Nuts and Bolts
- Consultation and review of your sexual health education activities
- Development of sexual health education sessions and programs in collaboration with your staff
- Co-facilitation of sexual health education sessions.
Programs and courses
- Nuts and Bolts of Sexual Heath
- Mooditj Program
- Mooditj Leader Training
Information about these courses can be found on our Community Education page.
Click here for information on bringing our courses to your region.
For more information
For general enquiries and more information you can get in touch with Karen Molhuysen via our contact form or (08) 6375 7700.
Visit the following pages for more information on:
Opens in a new window:Working With Aboriginal People
Opens in a new window:Education Sessions For Young People
Opens in a new window:Working With People With Disability
Opens in a new window:Respectful Relationships, Consent and Sexuality Education for Schools