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Community Education

Community education programs and training courses

Nuts & Bolts develops core knowledge, attitudes and skills required to provide information and support for young people around respectful relationships and sexual health issues.

This course has been designed for youth workers and others on the youth sector. It is suitable for a wide range of people working with young people including Aboriginal Health Workers, AIEOs, health promotion officers, counsellors, SEWB workers, alcohol and other drug workers, teachers and nurses.

(Note for nurses: SHQ Bare Essentials is Clinical Education for Nurses required for Certificate in Sexual and Reproductive Health, or CNE points.)

Nuts & Bolts is delivered by SHQ Education Team and guest speakers. The course is 3 days and can be completed in full or in separate days.

Day 1 Core – Sexual & reproductive health rights, LGBTIQA+, diversity in sex, gender & orientation, you and your role

Day 2 Elective – Respectful relationships, consent, STIs, contraception, safer sex & unintended pregnancy choices

Day 3 Elective – Consent & communication, porn & respect in online spaces

Participants gain skills to:

  • Create a safe space and talk about respectful relationships and sexual health
  • Discuss and provide information in a range of sexual health topics
  • Promote informed healthy choices
  • Provide appropriate support and referrals for
    young people

Course Structure

Day 1 Core– Sexual & reproductive health rights, diversity in sex, gender & orientation, you and your role
This core day sets the foundations of young people’s sexual and reproductive rights and working effectively to empower young people to make informed decisions. Understanding LGBTIQA+, diversity in sex, gender and orientation, examining values and attitudes and presenting an ethical sex framework.

Topics include:

  • Sexual & reproductive health rights
  • Sex positive approach
  • LGBTIQA+ and Diversity in sex, gender & orientation
  • Inclusive practice
  • Being a skilled helper
  • You and your role

Day 2 Elective – Respectful relationships, consent, STIs and safer sex & unintended pregnancy
This elective looks at building young people’s capacity for respectful relationships, examines consent and looks at the landscape of young people and sexual health in Western Australia. We consider a pleasure perspective and build key knowledge. The whole day is packed with interactive activities that will increase your knowledge and confidence to provide appropriate information.

Topics include:

  • Respectful Relationships
  • The Mooditj Relationship Tree
  • Ethical Sex Model
  • Consent
  • Pleasure
  • Bodies
  • Contraception
  • Unintended pregnancy and options
  • STIs
  • Safer sex

Day 3 Elective –Consent & communication, porn & respect in online spaces
This elective explores contemporary issues in sexual health. We look at sex and the law and at building young people’s capacity in consent and communication; what they want and what they don’t. We examine the messages young people get from pornography and what are the messages we want them to have. We consider how to enhance digital resilience and respect. This day includes a tour of SHQ clinic and guest presenters. Participants receive digital access to resources and referrals.

Topics include:

  • Consent and the law
  • Consent and communication
  • Sexting
  • Porn
  • Opening up conversations
  • Supporting young people with sexual health concerns
  • Counselling services
  • Resources and referrals

Mooditj is a resilience, relationships and sexual health education program designed for young Aboriginal people aged 10-14 years and can be adapted for older groups. It has been developed by SHQ in collaboration with Aboriginal people from across WA over the past 20 years. Young people who come along will know that their background is valued. The program uses storytelling and opportunities for discussion and learning from each other.

Mooditj is intended to be run by local community people working in pairs. At least one of the Leaders should be Aboriginal.

The Mooditj program has three parts:

  • Mooditj Me – helps build young people who are strong in themselves. It helps them grow their inner strengths and pride in their identity. They learn to deal with strong feelings in safe ways and to get help when needed.
  • Mooditj Mates – helps young people develop their skills to grow solid friendships and relationships with other young people. They learn to express hemselves and work their way through problems in safe and respectful ways.
  • Mooditj More than Mates – helps young people to grow positive respectful friendships and intimate relationships and make informed choices about their sexual health and wellbeing.

Come to Mooditj Leader Training to learn to run a Mooditj Program! SHQ may be able to assist with resources and Educators to work alongside you while you build your confidence.

In the metro area, SHQ Educators may be able to come and run a Mooditj program for young people in your community or school.

Want a taster of the Mooditj program? An electronic copy of the popular Relationship tree activity is now available for sale for individual use from SHQ’s Online Shop for $22. When purchased, you will receive an email with a link to download the pdf resource.

Download the Mooditj program outline

Mooditj Leader Training is a three-day, hands on course to build the skills and confidence to run Mooditj groups for young people. Aboriginal Educators take a lead role in delivering this culturally safe and fun course.

The Mooditj program has recently been extended. It is now a comprehensive 3-part resilience, relationships and sexual health education program. Please see the Mooditj program outline for more information about Mooditj.

People who want to use the Mooditj program need to attend Mooditj Leader Training. Participants receive detailed manuals for each of the 3 parts of the Mooditj program.

See the MLT course structure tab for more information.

Participants should walk away with:

  • Knowledge, skills and confidence to run Mooditj programs
  • Practical ways to talk about sensitive issues with young people.

Who would benefit from this course:

Mooditj Leader Training is designed for Aboriginal community members or people who work with young Aboriginal people in their community. Non-Aboriginal people are expected to partner with an Aboriginal person to run Mooditj. Training together is recommended.

Download the 2024 Mooditj Leader Training flyer

The Disability Team at SHQ offer bespoke, onsite education to people living with disability.

The team meet with teachers to tailor the course to meet the needs of the current students. If there have been any specific issues raised by students or teachers, these will be included in the content.  Education on Sex and the Law, Consent, STI’s and respectful relationships, protective education are consistent topics requested request.

The objective of the program is to teach participants ways to safely navigate common adolescent challenges through education and awareness of what it all means and the safety that goes with it.

To get in touch please call (08) 9227 6414

STARS is a two day introductory course to help build knowledge and confidence to Start Talking About Relationships and Sexual health with young Aboriginal people.

The course is fun. We learn though group activities. Sharing a laugh helps people be more comfortable. Course leaders include Aboriginal Educators and we do our best to make it culturally safe.

STARS is designed for Aboriginal community members and others working with young Aboriginal people.

It is suitable for a wide range of workers and volunteers, such as health workers, health promotion officers, SEWB workers, youth workers, juvenile justice workers, education workers, AOD workers, family support workers, liaison officers, night patrol staff, and many more.

Participants should walk away with the skills to:

  • Help young people feel safe to talk about relationships and sexual health
  • Support and include LGBT+ young people
  • Provide information about bodies, puberty, contraception, pregnancy and STIs
  • Talk about healthy relationships, consent, pleasure, sexting and porn
  • Help or refer young people with sexual health concerns

Topics include:

  • Bodies and puberty
  • LGBTI young people and diversity
  • Starting the conversations
  • Supporting young people
  • Contraception, pregnancy and STIs
  • Consent, pleasure and effects of porn
  • Respectful relationships, sexting
  • Knowing our limits and when to refer

Click here for all upcoming course dates

Bring training to your region

Downloadable 2024 Community Education Training Calendar

Course Fees

SHQ courses are part-funded by the WA and Australian Government Departments of Health and partly through course fees. There may be discounts and scholarships available for some courses to assist you to access training. Available discounts are advised on the relevant course page, along with any criteria required to qualify.

WA Department of Health Bursaries and Scholarships

Tailored Training

Would you like to bring SHQ to your workplace for training tailored to your organisation’s needs?

In addition to our advertised courses, SHQ may be able to design a training to suit your requirements.

You can get in touch with our education team via the website contact form to discuss training options and costs.

Course Bookings and Refund Policy

Please click here to our Refund Policy before booking into any SHQ courses.

Visit the following pages for more information on:

Working With Aboriginal People

Working With Young People

Education Sessions For Young People

Working With People With Disability
