Nuts and Bolts of Sexual Health - Sexual Health Quarters Quick exit
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Nuts and Bolts of Sexual Health

Dates Offered

13th - 15th May 20259:00 am to 4:30 pm

7th - 9th Oct 20259:00 am to 4:30 pm

Nuts & Bolts develops knowledge, confidence and skills to provide information and support for young people around respectful relationships, consent and sexual health.

This course has been designed for people who work with young people including youth workers, counsellors, teachers, nurses, health promotions officers, Aboriginal health practitioners, Aboriginal and Islander Education Officers, child protection workers, alcohol and other drug workers and allied professionals.

(Note: SHQ also offers clinical education for nurses.)

Participants gain skills to:

  • Create a safe space for young people to talk about respectful relationships, consent and sexual health
  • Utilise a human rights, strengths based, sex positive approach
  • Provide current information about sexual health
  • Provide appropriate support and referrals

Resources Pack:

At the end of the training, all participants receive a suite of downloadable information and resources.



Important Information


  • SHQ Training Room
    70 Roe St Northbridge WA
  • 08 9227 6177

Course Fees

  • Please visit the registration forms for fee details.


SHQ Education Team

Need customised training?

Nuts and Bolts can be delivered within your workplace and tailored to suit the needs of your team or organisation, contact the team on the details above to discuss your requirements.

How to Register

Please use the links below to register:

Register for May Register for October