What is Respectful Relationships, Consent and Sexuality Education?
Respectful Relationships, Consent and Sexuality Education improves young people’s knowledge, skills and confidence so they can make decisions that keep themselves and others safe and healthy. Ideally, this education starts in primary school and continues throughout secondary school.
Our team of experienced educators can facilitate education sessions for students on a variety of topics. Schools can book one session on a particular topic, or a series of sessions. We recommend at least two sessions to cover more topics and provide extra time to answer students’ questions. Popular topics are listed below. If you would like us to cover a topic that is not listed, please feel free to talk to us about designing a session to suit your group of students.
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Primary school topics
Popular topics in Primary schools include:
- Public and private concepts
- Identifying body parts
- Seeking help
- Keeping safe – body signals
- Families
- Celebrating our differences
- Knowing my boundaries
- Secrets and surprises
- Effective communication
- Respectful Friendships
- What’s OK and not OK
- Puberty changes and periods
- Reproductive systems and pregnancy
- Consent and the online world
“Having SHQ work with our students was fantastic. The way the presenters delivered the program and engaged with our students was outstanding. Their knowledge of the content and the ability to share it so openly with such a calm yet dynamic approach meant that all of our students were engaged and on task in all sessions. Students commented about how they were able to share their concerns, thoughts and ideas with complete anonymity and trust so that difficult issues were addressed. I also loved the way that the team adapted the program and used a flexible delivery model ensuring that the students’ needs and concerns were addressed as needed. We will certainly be continuing on with this program in the coming years.”
Meg Elsbury, Deputy Principal, Samson Primary School.
Download the SHQ Education Sessions for Primary Schools Flyer
Secondary School topics
Popular topics in Secondary schools include:
- Gender roles
- Diversity and inclusion
- Ethical Relationships
- Consent and communication skills
- Condoms and STIs
- Respectful and disrespectful relationships
- Pornography and sexting
- Contraception
- In-person visits to our Roe Street Clinic in Northbridge
Download the SHQ Education Sessions for Secondary Schools Flyer
Whole-School Approach
We encourage schools to take a whole-school approach to Respectful Relationships, Consent and Sexuality Education. This ensures that messages are consistent across all areas of the school community, for students, staff, parents and across the school environment. SHQ is currently working with schools in Perth that have adopted a whole-school approach. Please get in touch if you would like to know more.
“SHQ are the leaders in Respectful Relationships, embodying a harmonious blend of expert knowledge, professionalism, and collaboration in all their professional services. They have helped support the College in developing an inclusive approach to Relationships and Sexuality Education, which holds a crucial responsibility in fostering positive, safe relationships and dismantling stigma and detrimental stereotypes.
The scope and sequenced program for Year 5-Year 12 students has enabled our students and staff to develop critical thinking skills and make informed and ethical decisions about their bodies, relationships and wellbeing. Delivered through a series of interactive workshops, teacher-led activities and aligned parent resources, holistic engagement by all key parties has been at the core of our work. We have been able to make tailored adjustments to fit student’s needs, and with SHQ’s flexibility, experience and expertise, create a relevant and informative program for our students. With exceptional feedback from students, staff and parents we are excited to continue our partnership with SHQ.”
Sophie Carroll, Director of Student Wellbeing and Service Learning at Wesley College.
Download the Whole-School Approach Brochure
School staff professional development
We can provide tailored professional development for school staff on a range of topics to ensure messages about respectful relationships, consent and sexuality are consistent across the whole school.
Parents and carers
Parents and carers also need support to talk to their children about respectful relationships, consent and sexuality. We can support provide short information sessions to parents and carers about our education sessions so they can reinforce key messages at home and share their own values with their children. Our team can also deliver longer workshops to help parents and carers develop the knowledge, skills and confidence to have ongoing conversations with their children.
Download the Parent and Carer Workshop Flyer
LGBTIQA+ diversity and inclusion in schools
We know support for schools and school staff can be limited on this important topic.
Therefore, we offer a specialised and interactive training designed for school staff to ensure they understand LGBTIQA+ diversity, the experiences of LGBTIQA+ students and practical tips on how schools can work inclusively with LGBTIQA+ students and staff.
More information on this training and our other LGBTIQA+ specific supports for schools here.
Click here for information on school programs and workshops for people with disability
Contact us!
For more information, or to book in a session, please complete the contact form below.
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