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Contraception, menstruation and pregnancy explained in Arabic, Karen, Punjabi and English.

Sexual Health Victoria, Multicultural Centre for Women’s Health and Women’s Health and Wellbeing Barwon South West have worked together to create videos for newly arrived migrant and refugee women.

To expand all available videos click the menu icon in the top left corner of the video below.

You can play through the playlist by clicking the Next icon on the video player above.

The Playlist is also available on YouTube here

You can let Sexual Health Victoria know what you think of the videos by completing this short survey:

If you work with migrant and refugee women, and would like to download this video email:

Hepatitis information in various languages, produced by the My Health Our Health (MHOH) Program, click here to view the videos on their YouTube channel.

Family Planning NSW

Family Planning NSW has information about sexual and reproductive health, contraception, menstruation and STIs, available in multiple languages.


National Cervical Screening Program

The National Cervical Screening Program has a range of publications and resources available in multiple languages.


Health Translations

Health Translations is an initiative of the Victorian Government of Australia. The Centre for Culture, Ethnicity and Health (CEH) has been contracted by the Victorian Government to manage and improve the library.

The MHOH program is designed to address some of the complex health concerns faced by people from culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CaLD) communities. In conjunction with Department of Health WA, MHOH endeavours to work with these communities with strategies that address the sensitivity of the subject matter in regard to the health concerns.

For more information on MHOH click here to visit their website.