FPAA Certificate in Reproductive and Sexual Health for Doctors Face to Face - Sexual Health Quarters Quick exit
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FPAA Certificate in Reproductive and Sexual Health for Doctors Face to Face

Dates Offered

30th Jun - 4th Jul 20258:30 am to 5:00 pm

This national certificate course covers the range of the reproductive and sexual health issues that are common in general practice. It is useful for GP Registrars (where the skills obtained in this course cover many of the objectives set out in the primary care andrology and gynaecology curriculums), O&G trainees, and experienced general practitioners who wish to refresh their knowledge in the area.

Course Dates:

The theory course is held from 8.30am to 5.00pm, Monday to Friday

Please note: The course may be cancelled if there are insufficient enrolments by the last date for registrations.  If this occurs, participants will be notified as soon as possible, and a full refund will be made.

Course Summary:

This Certificate course covers reproductive and sexual health issues at a post graduate level.

The course is accredited for QI points by the RACGP and ACRRM. It is held in high esteem and thought to be very practical in nature, giving participants the confidence and skills to work at a high level in this area. Different to the DRANZCOG, the course focuses on primary care aspects of sexual health, a core aspect of both general practice and specialist training in obstetrics and gynaecology.

The theory component is run over a week, although participants can choose to attend individual days if they wish to. The clinical component is seven sessions of 3.5 hours each.

What does this course cover?

Entry Requirements / Eligibility:

To be eligible to undertake the certificate a participant must be a qualified medical practitioner registered with AHPRA to practice in Australia without conditions or restrictions, and hold medical indemnity insurance with a recognised medical defence organisation. It is desirable that doctors are at least two years post-graduation, and have some experience in community based general practice and/or hospital-based gynaecology.

To attend IUD clinical placement at SHQ doctors must be registered without any limitation, restriction or conditions that restrict practice in the SHQ clinic.  Doctors with limited registration (for example limited to a specific clinic and/or supervisor) will need to apply to AHPRA Medical Board to request a change in circumstances. Evidence of approval to practice at SHQ will need to be provided before placements can start. Please contact clinical education before registering for the course to receive further information regarding limited registration and clinical attachment.

Interns are not eligible to attend this course.

Approximately 6 hours of online learning is required prior to attendance.

Recognition / Accreditation:

ACRRM activity number: 32326

RACGP CPD Approved Activity Educational Activities: 24 hours, Measuring Outcomes: 00 hours, Reviewing Performance: 17.5 hours


RACGP CPD Approved Activity Reviewing Performance: 25 hours

Supervised Clinical Attachment

For further information:

Clinic Education Coordinator [email protected]

Dr Alison Creagh, Medical Educator [email protected]

Important Information


  • SHQ Training Room
    70 Roe St Northbridge WA
  • 08 9227 6177

Course Fees

  • Course fees are detailed on the registration form.


Clinic Education Coordinator


A scholarship is available annually to an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander doctor, follow the link below for further information.

SHQ Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Medical Education Scholarship

How to Register

Please use the links below to register for the theory component of the course.

Register for June/July