Dates Offered
The presentation is designed for clinicians seeking support in navigating WA’s newly implemented abortion laws and aims to build confidence and skills in providing best practice medication abortion care under the new legislation.
Workshop topics include:
- Principles of providing non-directive unintended pregnancy counselling
- Main contraindications to medical abortion medications
- Key components of a medical abortion consultation
- Reducing the risk of complications for patients accessing medical abortion
- Overview of the new legal framework for abortion in WA
- An introduction to the newly launched 1800 4 Choice helpline and website, including an overview of how it can be utilised to support clinicians and clients.
Participants will leave this workshop with an improved understanding of WA’s abortion laws and greater confidence to provide legal and safe medical abortion care.
Those attending the workshop will also be invited to register their service on public and private databases for use on the 1800 4 Choice helpline and website geomapping.
Presenters: Dr Samantha Johnson SHQ Medical Director and Dr Nikki Filar
RACGP Activity No. is 763374
ACRRM Activity No. is 33840
This presentation requires in person attendance.
Important Information
Training Room, Level 1
Sexual Health Quarters
70 Roe St Northbridge - 6164 7972
Course Fees
$165 inc GST
How to Register