Healthy Intimate Relationships – What Do They Look Like?
Everyone has the right to enjoy healthy intimate relationships that are respectful and safe.
These multilingual video resources developed by Sexual Health Quarters and Ishar Multicultural Women’s Health Services can help identify the signs of intimate partner violence and reproductive coercion and abuse.

Healthy Intimate Relationships - Arabic (watch on YouTube)

Healthy Intimate Relationships - Mandarin (watch on YouTube)

Healthy Intimate Relationships - Farsi (watch on YouTube)

Healthy Intimate Relationships - English (watch on YouTube)
Need Further Support?
If you would like to speak to someone after watching these videos there is a national helpline you can call 1800 RESPECT (1800 737 732) and you can also ask for an interpreter.
If you or someone you know is in immediate danger, please call 000 or the Women’s Domestic Violence Helpline (24/7) on 9223 1188 or free call 1800 007 339 (Department of Communities Child Protection Unit).
We encourage clinicians and anyone with an interest in violence prevention to share these resources with their networks.