Medical termination of pregnancy (mTOP) information for GPs - Sexual Health Quarters Quick exit
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Medical termination of pregnancy (mTOP) information for GPs

SHQ offers appointments for medical termination of pregnancy (mTOP) up to 9 weeks gestation.

Although a referral for abortion is not necessary, to assist patients to access a mTOP more quickly, GPs are invited to participate in the process by arranging the following investigations for patients PRIOR to their mTOP appointment at SHQ:

  • FBC
  • bhCG (quant)
  • Ultrasound scan (pregnancy location/gestation)

Please ensure that a copy of the results are made available to the patient to bring to their appointment at SHQ.

mTOP referral form for GPs – COMING SOON

Download patient consent form for medical termination of pregnancy (mTOP)

Download financial consent form for mTOP (non-Medicare card holders only)

Download instructions for medical abortion medication


If you or your patient require more information, please contact 1800 4 CHOICE (1800 424 642).

1800 4 Choice is a free helpline that provides confidential support to people experiencing unintended pregnancy, and advice to health workers in WA.

Clinicians can give you information on abortion care, counselling and service providers, as well as advice and clarity around WA abortion laws.

Additional Resources

Medical termination of pregnancy (mTOP) at SHQ

What’s the difference between a medical and surgical abortion?

I’m Pregnant: What Are My Options? (brochure)

Abortion (brochure)

Medical Termination (information sheet)