Providing affordable, accessible, non-judgemental sexual health services for all.
Operating within South Coastal Health and Community Services in Rockingham.
You can now access our confidential services in Rockingham, including:
- Contraception (including Implanon and IUDs)
- Cervical screening
- STI screening
- PrEP
- Unintended pregnancy services
South Coastal Health & Community Services
4 Civic Blvd, Rockingham WA 6168
Opening Hours
Tuesdays and Fridays 9:00am – 4:30pm
Booking is essential, no walk ins.
Book online or call us on 08 9227 6177
Phone lines are open 8.30am – 4.45pm Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and 8.30am – 7.30pm Thursday.
Please note: we are only accepting card/contactless payment at this location.
Children at SHQ clinic
SHQ encourages you to seek alternative childcare when attending an appointment. Questions might be asked by the clinician about your sexual health, and it may not be appropriate to have children present. It is also not safe to have children in the room if you are undergoing a contraceptive or screening procedure/s.
SHQ does not take responsibility for children in the waiting room, and children should not be left unattended.
Our appointments are valuable so please advise us via phone on (08) 9227 6177 or online with at least 4 hours’ notice if you are unable to make it.
On the day of your appointment
You have the option of completing your paperwork online, via a link sent to your mobile or email, or in person when you attend for your appointment. If you prefer to do your paperwork in person, please ensure that you arrive 10 minutes early to complete these. If you are late, you may miss your appointment.
You will need to bring your Medicare card with you, and any Commonwealth Concession cards (e.g., Health Care Card) you have. You are welcome to ask a support person such as a friend, partner or relative to come with you if you prefer.
Regarding support persons, please note that:
- For privacy and confidentiality, we have a client-only intake area. We ask that support persons wait in the main waiting area whilst paperwork is being completed.
- We often need to see clients on their own during a consultation, and your support person may be asked to leave the consult room for a short period of time.
- Currently, all clients are required to complete some paperwork when they arrive. All your information will be stored confidentially. For more information, please read the brochure: Respecting and protecting your privacy at SHQ.
While we do our best to ensure our Clinicians run to time, and clients do not experience significant delays, sometimes a wait time is unavoidable. We will do our best to keep you informed of any delays. You are also welcome to check with reception staff if you have been waiting more than 30 minutes.
Interpreting services
We offer professional interpreting services to help support you through your appointment. If you require an interpreter please DO NOT book an appointment online and call (08) 9227 6177 to discuss your needs with one of our friendly staff.
If you have any questions, please call us on (08) 9227 6177 and we will be happy to help.