IUD Theory Training - Sexual Health Quarters Quick exit
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Dates Offered

30th April 20256:30 pm to 9:30 pm

10th July 20256:30 pm to 9:30 pm

IUD workshops cover current information about copper and hormonal IUD’s insertion techniques and how to manage problems. They also include practice insertions (in pelvic models).

Interstate clinicians must receive approval to attend IUD training at SHQ from the Medical Educator.  Interstate clinicians must email the Medical Educator to discuss if they are eligible to attend IUD training at SHQ.


Entry Requirements / Eligibility:

Participants must be registered with the Australian health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) as a medical practitioner or nurse practitioner, midwife or registered nurse.

To be eligible to do the supervised clinical attachment at SHQ you must have:

  • At least 12 months full time general practice or equivalent OR
  • At least 6 months gynaecology experience AND
  • You will be able to insert IUDs in your practice immediately after completing the supervised clinical attachment at SHQ, AND
  • You satisfactorily complete the IUD Clinic Application Form

It is expected that those who undertake insertions of IUDs in practice have excellent skills in:

  • helping patients to choose contraceptive methods
  • assessing whether patients are suitable to use IUDs
  • communication
  • pelvic examination

Midwifes and registered nurses considering IUD training

  • ensure that contraceptive IUDs insertion and/or removals are a recognised aspect of your scope of practice within your workplace
  • establish an agreement with one or more prescribing doctors about when you can insert or remove contraceptive IUDs
  • ensure you have appropriate indemnity coverage

All Nurses including Nurse Practitioners must complete and submit this application form to apply to attend IUD education. Do not register for an IUD theory workshop until you have received written approval to attend.

Doctors that wish to undertake IUD training, but do not have the requisite skills, it is recommended to complete training in these prior to undertaking clinical IUD training. Some may wish to do the FPAA Reproductive and Sexual Health course, or some sections of it.

To attend IUD clinical placement at SHQ doctors must be registered without any limitation, restriction or conditions that restrict practice in the SHQ clinic.  Doctors with limited registration (for example limited to a specific clinic and/or supervisor) will need to apply to AHPRA Medical Board to request a change in circumstances. Evidence of approval to practice at SHQ will need to be provided before placements can start. Please contact clinical education before registering for the course to receive further information regarding limited registration and clinical attachment.

For those with the necessary skills, the steps to take are outlined in the course structure tab.

Recognition / Accreditation:

ACRRM activity application pending

This is an RACGP approved CPD activity under the RACGP CPD program.

RACGP CPD Approved Activity Educational Activities: 0.5 hours, Measuring Outcomes: 00 hours, Reviewing Performance: 3.5 hours


RACGP CPD Approved Activity Reviewing Performance: 11 hours

Supervised Clinical Attachment


Important Information


  • SHQ Training Room
    70 Roe St Northbridge WA
  • 08 9227 6177

Course Fees

  • Please see registration forms for cost of theory workshop. Supervised clinical attachment has an additional cost of $220 inc GST per clinical session. Payment for supervised clinical attachment is not required until all theory requirements have been met and clinical attachment dates have been negotiated.


Clinic Education Coordinator

How to Register

Please use the links below to register.

Register for April Register for July