LGBTIQA+ Diversity and Inclusion Support for Schools
Sexual Health Quarters can support primary and secondary schools to help create safer, more inclusive environments for LGBTIQA+ students, staff, and communities through a suite of offerings.
Training for staff
Tailored to the needs of your school, our evidence-based LGBTIQA+ Diversity Training is an interactive workshop that aims to increase people’s knowledge of LGBTIQA+ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, intersex, queer, asexual or otherwise diverse in sex, gender, or sexual orientation) diversity. With flexible delivery options available, the training focuses on building the confidence of participants to work inclusively with LGBTIQA+ students, staff, and communities.
Workshops can cover:
- Exploring the meaning and significance of LGBTIQA+ identities and unpacking the acronym
- The rights and legal protections for LGBTIQA+ people in Australia
- Understanding the experiences of LGBTIQA+ young people in Australian schools today
- Practical strategies to improve inclusive practice and support LGBTIQA+ students
- Strategies to address bullying, harassment, and discrimination in schools
- Navigating the use of preferred names and pronouns in schools
- Opportunities to ask questions throughout
- Useful resources and referrals
Download the LGBTIQA+ Diversity Training Flyer
Education sessions for students
Interested in education for your students? Our team can facilitate interactive and engaging workshops on LGBTIQA+ diversity for Years 5 to 12. Age-appropriate, evidence-based and grounded in empathy-building, our education sessions aim to help increase basic understanding of LGBTIQA+ identities, how to be a good ally, and where young people can go for support.
Practical resources for inclusive practice
Our team have developed a suite of resources to support best-practice LGBTIQA+ inclusion in schools. Created in response to the needs of WA secondary schools and refined in consultation with over 100 teaching staff and more than 500 students in WA, the resources provide practical guidance on:
- developing or improving an inclusive school policy;
- starting or growing a Rainbow Group;
- responding to community concerns and addressing discrimination;
- participating in LGBTIQA+ days of celebration
To see how your school is tracking with LGBTIQA+ inclusive practice measures, download our Inclusive Schools Checklist.
To access the full suite of resources, speak to Alana at [email protected]
Consultation services
Our Community Education team are happy to provide consultation and ongoing support for schools, wherever you are at in your inclusion journey. We can complete climate assessments through tools like anonymous surveys and focus groups with staff and students, helping to establish your school’s baseline for areas of success and areas of improvement. Our educators can meet with your key staff to provide consultation and assist with the implementation of new inclusive practices and procedures. Similarly, we can meet with your students to involve their voices in the process.
Support for parents and families
Interested in specific supports for parents and families? Our team can help with communication strategies and can deliver after-hours education sessions to increase knowledge and awareness of LGBTIQA+ diversity and inclusion.
Guest presentations on LGBTIQA+ days of significance
Looking for a guest speaker for an assembly or special event, like IDAHOBIT, Wear It Purple Day, or Pride? We have a diverse team of educators who can deliver presentations to fit your needs.
More information
To discuss your school’s needs and how we can best support, contact Alana at [email protected]