Keeping it clean during COVID-19 (in the bedroom!)
Given we’re in unchartered waters, it’s hard to know what is and isn’t safe when it comes to different types of sexual activity during a pandemic.
SHQ is committed to providing essential sexual health and relationship wellbeing services to all. Your health and safety are our priority, and we continue to deliver the highest standards of care and hygiene even during these unprecedented times.
You can view the COVID-19 Policy and Information for our services via the links below
We continue to monitor and follow the WA Health Department guidelines. We encourage you to follow advice from trusted sources. Visit the WA Health Department and/or the NDIS websites for more information on COVID-19 and the COVID-19 vaccination roll-out.
If you are concerned, you can call the National Coronavirus Helpline for information and advice about COVID-19 on 1800 020 080
We will continue to update you on any changes to our service as an impact of COVID-19 via social media and on our website.
Stay safe.