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Sexual Health Quarters stands behind landmark abortion reform

Sexual Health Quarters stands behind the Cook Government’s plans to modernise Western Australia’s abortion laws.

Supporters gather at the steps of Parliament to witness the introduction of the Abortion Legislation Reform Bill 2023 on 21 June 2023.

Western Australia was early to decriminalise abortion thanks to the work of clinicians, activists, and former parliamentarians like Cheryl Davenport and Diana Warnock. A quarter of a century after Cheryl Davenport’s groundbreaking legislation passed through parliament, it is now time to modernise our laws, fully remove abortion from the criminal code and bring our legislation in line with other states and territories.

If passed without amendment, the Bill introduced by Health Minister Amber-Jade Sanderson will remove clinically unnecessary and antiquated barriers for women accessing an abortion.

Sexual Health Quarters was grateful to have our views heard during the consultation process, and we believe the proposed legislation aligns with the submission we made in December 2022.

Sexual Health Quarters is more than a service provider, we are experts in sexual and reproductive healthcare, and health equity advocates for all Western Australians. Removing unnecessary sexual and reproductive health barriers is central to improving access to all sexual health services, from abortion, to STI testing and cervical screening.


Informed consent and mandatory counselling

The current legislation requiring those accessing abortion receive counselling on the medical risk of termination of pregnancy and of carrying the pregnancy to term, by a medical practitioner other than the one performing the procedure creates a completely unnecessary barrier. Abortion is a legal medical procedure where informed consent can, and should, be obtained in line with existing standards of care. Sexual Health Quarters provides free non-directive unintended pregnancy counselling, and our service is always there for people who need it.


Requirement to consult two medical practitioners

Our clinic has seen countless people whose treatment has been delayed due to the current requirement that informed consent be obtained from the patient by two medical practitioners prior to the abortion being performed. Timely access to abortion is crucial in safeguarding the mental and physical health of a person accessing an abortion. Delays caused by this process can mean the difference between a surgical and a medical termination, as well as a greater financial burden and undue stress put upon the person accessing an abortion. This requirement unfairly impacts those in rural and regional Western Australia already facing extreme barriers to reproductive healthcare.


Conscientious objection

Sexual Health Quarters acknowledges the right of clinicians to refuse to provide abortion care directly. Abortion providers, conscientious objectors, and patients would all benefit from a clear process for denial of abortion care. Requiring health practitioners who conscientiously object to transfer their patient’s care or provide information on where that person can access abortion care removes ambiguity for clinicians and reduces unnecessary impediments and delays for people accessing abortion.


Gestational limit for abortion without additional requirements

The gestational age at which additional requirements apply should be brought in line with other Australian jurisdictions. People should not have to travel interstate to access legal and necessary healthcare.


Ministerial panel approval for late abortion

Sexual Health Quarters supports the removal of the Ministerial Panel. This change will help depoliticise and destigmatise abortion; the decision to have a later term abortion can be distressing, and like all other legal medical procedures, it should be between a pregnant person and their doctors.


Ministerial approval for health services to perform late abortion

Removing the requirement for Ministerial approval will hopefully encourage more hospitals, including those in rural and remote Western Australia to provide this service and give people a greater choice of providers.

These proposed reforms are a crucial step towards gender health equity in our state and we thank the Western Australian Government for making abortion reform a priority.



“The public consultation report released earlier this month shows overwhelming public support for these changes. Sexual Health Quarters fully supports the Government’s plan to address abortion access inequity in Western Australia.

“Western Australia is the only state where abortion is still in the criminal code. This creates access barriers, contributes to sexual health stigma, and creates uncertainty for providers like SHQ who just want to provide accessible, high-quality care to our clients.

“Sexual Health Quarters will continue to voice our support throughout the process, in the hopes that the legislation will pass without amendment.

“We look forward to seeing barriers to abortion services drastically reduced for all Western Australians as soon as possible.”

Debra Barnes, Chief Executive Officer, Sexual Health Quarters.


“Removing the requirement to obtain two doctors’ referrals will make a world of difference to people accessing abortion in Western Australia.

“As a provider of abortion services, we see firsthand the effect these barriers have on women and people with a uterus every day. Abortion is a critical component of healthcare, and the current restrictions are unfair and medically unnecessary when seen in the context of broader health provision.

“Access to abortion is a human right that has no place in the criminal code. I am so excited to see this legislation go through and witness the positive impact it will have on our clients and our ability to provide safe, affordable abortion services.”

Dr Nicole Filar, Acting Deputy Medical Director, Sexual Health Quarters


Debra and Nicole are available for further comment. 


Sexual Health Quarters is the largest non-government provider of specialised sexual and reproductive health in Western Australia. We provide innovative clinical services, tailored counselling, and inspiring education that empowers people of all genders, ages, cultures and sexualities with the skills, knowledge, and confidence to make informed choices about their sexual health and relationships.

For media enquiries please contact our Marketing and Communications team.