Consumer Engagement - Sexual Health Quarters Quick exit
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Consumer Engagement

SHQ’s engagement with consumers is shaped by our vision, values, and the communities we directly target.

We are committed to seeking the views of those who use our services, or could potentially use our services, such as individuals, their families and carers, members of the community, and representatives of advocacy committees relevant to their areas of expertise.

We also actively seek partnerships with stakeholders that help us to deliver on our promise to the community.

Get involved!

If you would like to provide feedback about any of our services or resources please use our feedback form, or if you are interested in joining one of our consumer groups, please click on the headings below to read about groups currently looking for members and complete the expression of interest form.

SHQ (Sexual Health Quarters) is seeking expressions of interest to join its Aboriginal Advisory Committee (AAC).

SHQ is committed to working closely with Aboriginal people, helping them achieve good sexual health and wellbeing outcomes.

Established in 2013, SHQs Aboriginal Advisory Committee provides guidance and input to ensure we are delivering culturally safe services across our organisation.

We need individuals who can continue assisting us to break new ground in our relationships with and services to Aboriginal people and communities.

The Committee meets four times per year (once per quarter), compensation for time and travel expenses to be determined upon application. SHQ is seeking to appoint members with a mix of ages and genders to reflect our diverse service.

If you are interested in joining the SHQ AAC, please complete the form below. If you require further information, please contact David on 9227 6177.

The purpose of the Consumer Reference Group (CRG) is to:

  • Provide direction and input into our services
  • Review our existing sexual health information to ensure it is accurate, appropriate and accessible to our target audiences and the wider community
  • Provide extensive input into new SHQ publications, campaigns and other resources.

The group comprises of the Health Promotion and Resource Development Coordinator and other relevant SHQ staff members, as well as 2-6 members of the community. SHQ will seek expressions of interest for membership into the group, as and when appropriate. Diversity with respect to ages, cultures, genders, beliefs, identities, abilities and sexualities is highly valued. Meetings will take place quarterly, with additional correspondence via email.

Find out more

The Participant Reference Group was formed in 2010.  The group significantly contributes to the co-design of service delivery and improvement. Members meet monthly to organise the Friendship Group outings and provide input for the co-design of services.

Please visit the Participant Reference Group page for more information.

The SHQ LGBTIQA+ Reference Group is to provide guidance and feedback on the continuous development of LGBTIQA+ inclusive practice at SHQ. Including by providing guidance and feedback on the LGBTIQA+ inclusivity of SHQ services, promotional activities, publications and other resources.

Please visit the SHQ LGBTIQA+ Reference Group page for more information.

Reference Group Expression of Interest

  • Please view the Consumer Engagement Framework and group information above for more information and eligibility requirements.
  • An SHQ staff member on the selected group will respond to your request within 10 working days. Please be aware that some groups have a set number of members allowed, and there may not be vacancies available.