For half a century Sexual Health Quarters (formerly Family Planning Association of Western Australia) has been a leading provider of innovative clinical services, tailored counselling, and inspiring education that empowers people of all genders, ages, cultures and sexualities with the skills, knowledge, and confidence to make informed choices about their sexual health and relationships.
Since its inception in 1972, SHQ has steadily diversified its activities. What began as an organisation focused on providing contraception to women has transitioned to an inclusive, safe and trusted, holistic provider of sexual health and relationship wellbeing services for everyone. Our broad range of services include clinical services, counselling, education, training, research, health promotion and information.
Our goal is to optimise services for those facing barriers to accessing appropriate health and wellbeing care, such as young people, LGBTIQA+ communities, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, people living with a disability, people from culturally and linguistically diverse communities, people from regional, rural and remote communities, sex workers, people exposed to violence, and anyone else at risk of falling through the cracks.
View a timeline of SHQ from 1969 to 2022!

Video: Celebrating 50 years of Sexual Health Quarters. To watch with closed captions please click here to open in Youtube.